Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bittersweet Memories: The Loss of Whitney Houston

Ever since I heard the news that Whitney Houston died, I have been so upset that I've had her continually on my mind. She was my favorite vocalist since I first heard, "I wanna dance with somebody" way back in the 80's.

What a blessed lady she was to have received such a wonderful voice.  I've followed, watched countless tributes, and replayed her movies just mesmerized by the voice, beauty, and talent this woman possessed.

I knew she was started singing in church, but didn't know the extent of her religious upbringing.  It appears the Houston family was faith based at its roots, and Whitney was afforded a strong, Christian upbringing.  But, then again, so was Brad Pitt, but look where he is with regards to his religious beliefs.

It wasn't until I tuned in to the last interview with Oprah Winfrey that I found peace with myself, that, indeed, Whitney Houston was a child of God, and is now resting in heaven with God the Father, Jesus, His Son, and our Savior! 

She explained in her interview that her mother was instrumental in bringing about the reconciliation within her self that she needed to leave the destructive marriage with Bobby Brown.  According to Whitney, her mother went into her Atlanta home with sheriff's deputies, and a court order that mandated she leave that house, and enter a rehab facility.  Whitney explained that her mother told her she wasn't raised "that way," and her mother wouldn't sit back and allow Whitney to destroy herself.

Praise God, Cissy Houston fought for her daughter.  Just as Whitney and her daughter, Bobbi Kristina fought to get through it.

Whitney shared her faith with Oprah, and how much she loved God, and how important He was in her life.  Too bad, that Satan has used her weaknesses and strongholds to destroy her, and steal her from us way too young.  However, Glory to God, Whitney is in the All Saints Choir, singing in perfection.  Can you just imagine?!

My prayers are that no drugs will be found, and this is a case of alcohol poisoning, and/or drowning.  I know that may sound horrid, morbid, whatever, but it would beat knowing that Satan over came, and she was using drugs again.

My prayers are being sent on behalf of the Houston family, that God's blessing of comfort for those who mourn, as he promised, would rain down, and embrace them in their sorrow.

My prayers are for Bobby, and Bobbi, and his other children that they, too, may know the Joy of the Lord, experience the gift of salvation, and enable them to beat the drug habit, or stay out of it.

And, finally, my prayer is that we use each day wisely, and recognize that life is a gift, and with that gift comes the ultimate sacrifice for the reconciliation of man to God through the death, burial, and resurrection, of Jesus, God's Son, and our Savior!  That gift can be yours, you just reach out and take hold of it.

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